A Tutorial on Mobile Systems- Network Architecture, Protocol, and Operations
A Tutorial on Mobile Systems- Network Architecture, Protocol, and Operations
時 間:102年02月26日(二) 14:40-16:00
地 點:工學大樓六樓第一會議廳
演講者:何品翰教授 加拿大滑鐵盧大學
The talk covers the state-of-the-art development of the mobile system and technologies. We will start from the 2G and its evolution in the past ecades in terms of network architecture, protocols, and operations.
A Tutorial on Mobile Systems- Network Architecture, Protocol, and Operations
時 間:102年02月26日(二) 14:40-16:00
地 點:工學大樓六樓第一會議廳
演講者:何品翰教授 加拿大滑鐵盧大學
The talk covers the state-of-the-art development of the mobile system and technologies. We will start from the 2G and its evolution in the past ecades in terms of network architecture, protocols, and operations.